Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is the poorest country in Southeast Asia.  Nearly 30% of its 56 million people live in poverty, and the mortality rate for children under age 5 is among the highest in the world.  Civil and ethnic wars, poverty, AIDS, and the devastation of 2008 Cyclone Nargis, have left more than 2 million orphans and countless thousands more living on the streets.  Living Hope, Myanmar is an IRS registered 501c3 organization that is dedicated to loving these precious forgotten ones, and providing hope and opportunity for their successful transition from orphanages. We provide food, shelter, clothing, school uniforms,  education including after-school tutoring, English language instruction, healthcare,  and most importantly, Christian love to the children and their caretakers.  

We use a family model in our Children’s Home and treat each child as a valuable member and contributor to the ‘family’.  Our children contribute to the success of the Home through helping , as they are able, with chores, cooking, childcare, and building relationships with each other.  Every child deserves to know they are loved and cared for specifically.  We work to form meaningful bonds with each of our children and strive to provide the love and encouragement they need to succeed.  We value knowing each child individually, and seek to identify their gifts and talents.  With this information, we hope to equip them to compete successfully in the job market.  Our children are able to attend college or trade school and can participate in job-training internships.  We expect that each child will remain in relationship with the children’s home and give back in some way, as they are able, after ‘graduation’.  We are ‘family oriented’, and families are forever. We are based in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and travel regularly to Myanmar. 

The Leadership

Thoughts on Living Hope's ministry and the impact it has had on us...


Larry Bauss MD Living Hope President

"‘We love, because He first loved us.’ (1John 4:19) I stumbled upon an eternal truth as God wove a story that I could never have imagined on my own. The story of our involvement in this ministry is not a story a reasonable person would write. An orphan ministry on the other side of the world? Really? I never saw it coming. The children call it a miracle. So should we. And if God cared so much to orchestrate this thing called Living Hope, doesn’t He also care enough to have plans for these children? Plans to prosper them and not to harm them? Plans to give them a hope and a future? Of course He does. This is the message that He wants to be real in all of us—on both sides of the world. What a privilege it is, to be a part of something so profound.”

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Deb Bauss, Living Hope Overseer

"My beloved Myanmar kids call me 'NuNu'. Mom. What a blessing and what an honor. A group of children halfway around the globe who are desperate to be unconditionally loved. I have a deep compassion, a holy concern, for these precious ones. I freely admit that this great love comes from above. It is not natural, it probably isn’t “normal” by the world’s standards, and it doesn’t come from me. But, it is Godly. I embrace it and I beckon it with all that I have and all that I am. It gives me direction in a world gone mad. It gives me purpose in a life that can become so self absorbed, so mundane. It gives me living hope that because God loves me, I can love these little ones that He has given to us. His love never fails'." (1Cor 13:8)

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David Klein, Living Hope Overseer

"Time and time again, we are reminded, even warned, in scripture to ensure that orphans are not mistreated. God does not play favorites and He has implores us to do the same. When the opportunity arose to help support Living Hope Myanmar's children's home it was, as we say, a “no brainer.” While planning our first journey to Myanmar to meet Esther’s family and all the children, many thoughts came into my mind. How could I really even love these children? How would I communicate with them in order to establish a relationship? How would I help them in a country where I do not understand the culture? I can now report, after traveling to Myanmar, that God has taken care of everything!! Through the work of the 'Ruach' (Holy Spirit), He has miraculously knit our hearts together as one, and these are my children. My faith has been strengthened to be able to see how God has been at work in my life, and all of us within the LHM family. It’s amazing what God can do when we simply say, 'yes'."


Sharon Klein, Living Hope Overseer

"Who knew? That by following God’s call, He would ignite a passion in my heart for a group of orphans and their caretakers in a far away country I had barely heard of, much less thought about. Despite coming out of unimaginable and despairing circumstances, these amazing kids, by the grace of a Heavenly Father, have reminded me of what it means to be a child of God. The kids call me “Auntie Sharon”, and that is who I am. An Aunt, blessed beyond measure by my Burmese family."


Esther, Living Hope Housemother and Director

"I love this job! I thank God that He has chosen me to be a mother to these children.... since I was born. I love them so much because I know how precious they are in the eyes of God. I can't imagine life without these precious children. What I love most about my role is that I have time to share with each of them the love of God and the Word of God. I want to thank our supporters for your love, your prayers, your financial support, but most of all for your love. We know that you are standing with us and that we are not alone. May God bless you!"


Abraham, On Site Pastor and Overseer

" God has given me a heart for the people of Myanmar. A heart to share His love and His hope to my people who desperately need Him. What a joy and a privilege it is to be able to love these children the way that Father God loves them. I pray that I can help them to know Him in a way that changes them and allows them bring the hope of Jesus to our village, and to our nation. Thank you for joining us in this calling."

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Charles and Dorothy Bauss, Founding Partners and Overseers

“As we enter our 60th year of marriage, God has blessed us with four adult children, their spouses, 15 grandchildren, four married, one great grandchild and more on the way. What greater joy than this? Little did we know God was preparing a surprise for us…He connected us to Esther, “house mother” to Burmese orphans living on the other side of the world. These beautiful children are being trained to be Christian witnesses for Jesus in Myanmar. Our job? Support them with prayer, finances and love. He promised to do the rest. Thank You, Lord, for this unexpected privilege in our old age. To God be the glory, great things He has done."

Living Hope Board Members

Jonathan Spoelhof, Treasurer and Pat Bradstreet, Secretary

Myanmar Mission Team 2018Front: Emily Bradstreet, Lizzie Bauss, Deb Bauss, Sharon KleinBack: Ryan Bradstreet, Brennan Heidema, Andrew Klein, David Klein, Larry Bauss

Myanmar Mission Team 2018

Front: Emily Bradstreet, Lizzie Bauss, Deb Bauss, Sharon Klein

Back: Ryan Bradstreet, Brennan Heidema, Andrew Klein, David Klein, Larry Bauss